Materials for Growth

A Next Door Ministries advocate will help you develop and outline an individualized path tailored with purposeful steps and actions for your goals. Your Individual Life Blueprint will guide the next 18 months of your involvement in Next Door Ministries including your participation in five areas: Spiritual, Work and Personal, Financial, Family and Relationships, and Health and Wellness. Some of the benefits to this are:

  • A safe living environment in community at lower costs to market

  • Training in areas of faith and finances, work life, boundaries, recovery, Biblical daily living, and many more

  • Development of your Individual Life Blueprint tool that will act as a roadmap and accountability aide

  • Spiritual life within your church, weekly community Bible study, ministry and service

  • Time in community, giving back and volunteering through service with fellow Next Door Ministries residents in Martin Park

  • Food ministries, community service, children and youth work and educational programs, and working with others

  • A financial plan, budget, and savings during this stay for a deposit you can put towards the move into your “next door” place to live

The participation agreement helps outline the commitments and expectations, and this should be reviewed to confirm your level of interest, expectations, and the efforts and desire needed.